Considerations for Transitioning Your Business

There are several things a business owner should consider before deciding how they would like to transition their business to the next generation, 公司管理层或外部私募股权.  In many cases these considerations should be thoughtfully considered in connection with a business owner’s estate plan.  This will allow f或者是 movement of appreciating assets prior to their increase in value and allow for an exit event to fund trusts that may be established to hold those assets.

除了遗产规划方面的考虑, there are other operational matters that should be addressed to avoid potential due diligence issues that could arise during a sale or other type of exit event.  If these items arise at that point of the process, they can often impact the overall value of the organization and, 取决于问题的严重程度, 这可能会扼杀交易进程.

Other areas to address include quality of financial statement information, 内部控制流程的评价, IT security effectiveness including disaster recovery plans and testing, as well as the timing of when a transition event would ultimately occur.  It is critically important that you are able to work with a trusted advisor to ensure that you are prepared to address these issues and confidently respond to potential buyers’ questions related to a variety of areas.  经常, just going through the process of evaluating various areas of your business can lead to greater self-awareness of improvement and efficiency areas in your business that you may not otherwise consider, as well as leading to greater clarity of your overall goals.

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